020 31958652 [email protected]

Conflict Management

4hr session

Conflict Management training will provide organisations Team Members with the theoretical and practical conflict resolution techniques and strategies to effectively prevent and manage conflict inside and outside of the workplace.

This session will first emphasise the understanding of human behaviour and the different exterior element that could trigger conflictual situations. With this understanding, the student will be trained to assess conflict risks, react and influence a safe and positive outcome by using communication and negotiation skills.

Level - Beginner

This course is suitable for all personnel in the workplace


If you would like to book a team training session please get in contact with us today. 


Course Objectives & Outcomes

The purpose of this course is to provide personnel with the theoretical and practical conflict resolution techniques and strategies to effectively prevent and manage conflict inside and outside of the workplace. 

Main stages of conflict escalation

Communication in conflict

Managing conflict

Safety in conflict


What Our Students Say

This training was one of the best so far, very dynamic and important for our roles as part of our team. Engaging instructor, dynamic course and pertinent subject.


WeWork Barcelona

The use of props was extremely useful as it took us out of our comfort zone and forced us to try the techniques out as we would in a real life situation. This training was extremely relevant and I hope it can be rolled out to all of the organisation.


WeWork London

Training isn’t just important, it is vital to a companies success.

Ensuring your employees have the correct and relevant training will improve your team’s performance, morale, confidence, and productivity. When considering training don’t just settle for a tick box exercise ensure that teams will be engaged, satisfied, and competent.



71-75 Shelton Street Covent Garden London WC2H 9JQ


+44 (0) 20 31958652